
 ©Emma Ortega Negrete 
For my empowerment books go to: http://www.amazon.com/author/emmaorteganegrete

About Self Empowerment Lifecoach

I am a freelance empowerment author/writer and lifestyles coach for over 2 decades. I have coached entrepreneurs, actors, athletes, doctors. Nurses, fitness enthusiast and list goes on. A mother and grandmother. I have worked in many arenas and have found myself always helping others do and be their best. For more about me, go to www.amazon.com/author/emmaorteganegrete
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9 Responses to Eyesight

  1. Jim Sharman says:

    I find it more valuable and inspirational to see people expressing themselves through their own words (which is why I decided to start writing my own quotations instead of using others’ words!) – this one I like – I resonate with it well – spent waaaay too many years trying to focus on the light in the hope that the debris would clear itself away – now I own that shit and can sort it properly, the light is easier to see and reach. Thanks Emma for what you do and for how you express yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so very much for that, it means alot. I love being transparent and authentic. I can write slang and very conservative which I’ve done with all my quotes, books and posts. I feel God created just the way I am with range of expression.

      Some people want real talk with slang and some foul language while others want it more conservative. So I do both because I can shoot pool in a bar and at the same time, get glamed up and go to the opera and mingle with a totally different class of people.

      I love all of me. I’ve been through enough shit to own it. 😁

      Liked by 3 people

      • Jim Sharman says:

        Funny thing about so-called ‘foul’ language is that, originally, it wasn’t considered ‘foul’ until someone attached that label to it. I’m thinking especially of the puritanical Victorian era in the UK, when certain words, long-used commonly and even in literature an theatre, and mainly Germanic in origin, were considered ‘rude’ and ‘obscene’. Such labels are futile attempts at restricting language.

        Sometimes though that works to our advantage so we can create stronger impact through judicious use and I’m reminded here of the phrase you will hear a lot in Robbins/Madanes training notes, “Tony is using ‘shocking’ language in order to break patterns,” or words to that effect.

        I too mix them – and I make no apology or excuse for it. Used as strategic interventions, so-called ‘foul’ language certainly has its place.

        And we both know that that shit works. Right? Fuckin’ a. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Damn straight it does. If it’s good for Tony Robbins and Garyvee, it sure as hell for me. My roots were from the hood and then I moved up through hard ass work 12 to 16hr days as a single parent at that. 😁


  2. Angelilie says:

    I really like your blog. A pleasure to come stroll on your pages. A great discovery and very interesting blog. I come back to visit you. Do not hesitate to visit my universe. A soon.

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  3. Pingback: Eyesight — Emma Ortega Negrete – Alchemical One

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